Monday, November 8, 2010

Shout Out!

I would like to formally thank whoever decided to play “Get Low” on a loop for four hours in my office today. You made me realize that Yes, it could be worse.

And although I am grateful that you have finally acknowledged that I am the translator, I do not want to take part in your debate about what “sweat drip down my balls” means…

A shout out Haiku about my life’s achievements:

Nearly bilingual,
With a linguistics degree,
Translate “sweaty balls”


  1. Love it. If I didn't actually live here I would think some of your posts were made up they are so funny. I love the US music situation here--I once went to a cousin's 10 year old daughter's dance recital and a bunch of little girls came out in catholic school girl outfits and then the music started---La dee da de da it's the mother fuckin' D R E....priceless.

  2. I remember once a long time ago on the Xou da Xuxa when they had the Short Dick Man song live (lipsync)and YEP I found it on YouTube:


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